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Kagaekanpo boutique

"Skin is a mirror of internal organs"! Measures against rough skin in Chinese medicine①

This is Ono of 2 Kagae Campo Boutique Sendai Parco.
In the new semester, the season of encounters has arrived. When you meet for the first time, you want to pay attention to your own appearance.
In such a case, if you have skin problems, your tension will not increase.

In Chinese medicine, the skin is also referred to as the mirror of internal organs.
In addition to external care, let's strengthen it from the inside!

This time, from the perspective of "spirit" (energy) in the Chinese medicine.
Here are some skin problems that are easy to come out by type and recommended measures both inside and outside.

●Nothing: Energy shortage type
□Skin is loose, not stiff
□Sensitive skin
□I can't get tired and catch a cold easily

・Internal care: Chew and eat cereals, potatoes, and beans that supplement "ki" (energy).
・Outside care: Care with beauty essence that keeps skin moisture with skin toner to tighten and firmness.

●Strain: Types in which the flow of "Ki" is delayed
□Mixed skin
□A blowout is easy to come out
□Repeat skin trouble
□It is easy to get irritated by stress

・Internal care: Eat flavored vegetables, citrus fruits, calcium and minerals
・Outside care: Care with soft touch so as not to stimulate trouble parts.

How was it?
Next time, I will look at skin problems from the viewpoint of Chinese medicine's "blood" and "water", so please look forward to it!

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