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Mother house

[Recommended as Father's Day Gift Indonesian Origins]

“Indonesia Origins” refers to
Chocolate set coated with bitter chocolate with raw cacao and cashew nuts grown in contract farmers in Sulawesi, Indonesia.
It contains 2 cacao eggs using raw cacao and 6 casho chocolates using large cashew nuts.
Cacao Egg is a luxurious coat of raw cacao beans, the raw material of chocolate, with 78% and 50% cacao content. Bitter chocolate matches the crisp texture and subtle acidity of raw cacao, making it a tasty grain.
Cashew chocolate is the world's largest cashew nuts coated with 78% cacao-deficient bitter chocolate. You can enjoy the rich fragrance of cacao carefully fermented and the sweetness of large cashews.
The chocolate set with an adult taste is also recommended as a gift for Father's Day.

■Product information
Indonesian Origins
¥2,484 (tax included)

Motherhouse is based on the philosophy of "creating a world-class brand from developing countries."
It is a fashion brand that makes use of the materials and technologies of developing countries.




Mother House Sendai Parco 2 stores (Sendai Parco 22nd floor)
Tel: 022-398-9556 (Open:10:00-21:00)
Shop Information
Shop name
Mother house