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Mother house

[Bridal rings are now available]

Hello, Mother House Sendai Parco 2 stores.
We started handling bridal rings at the Sendai store on April 23 (Fri).

Mother House's bridal rings are created by Indonesian, where traditional royal palace culture is alive, and Sri Lankan craftsmen who have the meaning of "shining islands" rich in gemstones, one by one while thinking about their thoughts and stories.

We aim to create a cycle of happiness between the creator and the two people who wear it, and deliver a ring that emits only one shine in the world.

All the staff will help you with all your heart so that you can deepen the bond between the two who will walk together in the future.
Please feel free to drop in at the shop.

▼Click here to make a reservation for your visit.

▼Click here for the web page of Bridalling.

Motherhouse is based on the philosophy of "creating a world-class brand from developing countries."
It is a fashion brand that makes use of the materials and technologies of developing countries.




Mother House Sendai Parco 2 stores (Sendai Parco 22nd floor)
Tel: 022-398-9556 (Open:10:00-21:00)

Shop Information
Shop name
Mother house