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Kamakura pasta

★For a limited time Kamakura Calbo Fair 25★

Sales start on Thursday, March 6
Please take this opportunity to appreciate it.

■Punchetta and Parmesan cheese Carbo ~ Two kinds of pepper ~ ¥1,490 (¥1,639 including tax)
 Black and pink, two kinds of pepper flavor and depth of taste, and the taste of panchetta are delicious.

■Soft pork horned slices and Kujo green onions Japanese-style carbo with yuzu pepper ~ ¥ 1,490 (¥ 1,639 including tax)
 Combine the fragrant Kujo green onions and add an accent with yuzu pepper.

■1,690 (¥1,859 including tax) 1,690 (¥1,859 including tax)
 A luxurious dish that blends the rich taste of palmesan cheese with the umami of sea urchin

We look forward to your visit.
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Kamakura pasta
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