Shop list
A.P.C. SHIBUYAArpacessibyaLadies fashion, men's fashion, bags, fashion miscellaneous goods, wallets and accessories
AINZ&TULPEEyes and torpeCosmetics and perfume
AINZ&TULPEEyes and torpeCosmetics and perfume
AVALANCHE GOLD&JEWELRYAvalanthi Gold & JewelryJewelry and accessories
aoba clinicAoba Clinic
ageteageteJewelry & Accessories, Clocks
AKOMEYA TOKYOAcomeya TokyoGoods & Culture, Foods
adidas Brand Core Store SendaiAdidas Brand Core StoreLadies fashion, men's fashion, fashion miscellaneous goods
AMI PARISAmiparisLadies fashion, men's fashion, miscellaneous goods & culture
Amuse BeautéAmusement boteCosmetics and perfume
AYANOKOJIKouji AyanoFashion goods, wallets and accessories
ALBOVE/PEAK&PINEAlvobpic and pineLadies fashion, men's fashion, underwear and room wear, swimwear, yukata, kimono, kimono, etc.
ALOHA TABLEAloha tableRestaurant & cafe
Angelic PrettyAngel Rick PrityLady's fashion
Aunt Stella'sAnn tosterraFood
AMPHIAmphiUnderwear and roomware
AesopAesopCosmetics and perfume
ABC Cooking StudioABC Cooking StudioService & Others
AUX PARADISOoparadiCosmetics and perfume
big mamaNaosiconcierjubic mamaService & Others
BAO BAO ISSEY MIYAKEBaobaoisey MiyakeBag
BABYLONEBabilonLady's fashion
BUTCHER REPUBLICButcher republicRestaurant & cafe
BRADELIS New YorkBraderis New YorkUnderwear and roomware
BASIC AND ACCENTBasic and accentFashion miscellaneous goods, miscellaneous goods & culture
bareMineralsBare mineralCosmetics and perfume
BABY,THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT/ALICE and the PIRATESBaby, The Stars Shine Bright/Alice and The PiratesLadies fashion, fashion miscellaneous goods
benitoragyouzabouBenithraRestaurant & cafe
café comme çaCafe Comme CaRestaurant & cafe
CAPCOM SOTRECapcom storeLadies fashion, men's fashion, miscellaneous goods & culture
coming soonCammingsoon
Cat Café MOFFCat cafefemovRestaurant & cafe
Candy StripperCandice tripperLady's fashion
CLASKA Gallery & Shop "DO"Class gallery and shopFashion miscellaneous goods, miscellaneous goods & culture
Crayon Shin-chan Official ShopCrayon Shin Chung Official Shop Action Department StoreSundries and culture
COTOMONO MARCHEKo Tomono marcheJewelry and accessories
COLLECTORSCollectorsUnderwear, room wear, bags, fashion miscellaneous goods, hats, wallets and accessories, watches, miscellaneous goods & culture
CONVERSE STOREConverter storeShoes, fashion miscellaneous goods
chiikawalandChiikawalandSundries and culture
ChicoChicoLady's fashion
CiaopanicChao panicLady's fashion
ChacottChacottLadies fashion, kids fashion, shoes, bags, fashion miscellaneous goods, cosmetics and perfumes, miscellaneous goods & culture
chawanWagohant cafe chawanRestaurant & cafe
GASHAPON BANDAI OFFICIAL SHOPGashapon Bandai Official ShopSundries and culture
GINZADIAMONDSHIRAISHI/EXELCODIAMONDGinza Daiyamondshiraishi ExcelkodaiyamondJewelry and accessories
glauben schenkenGlaubenchenkenMen's fashion, fashion miscellaneous goods, wallets and accessories, watches, miscellaneous goods & culture
gentenGen tenBags, fashion miscellaneous goods, wallets and accessories
GocchoSunGociosanRestaurant & cafe
GYDAJadaLady's fashion
gelato piqueGelatopickeUnderwear and roomware
HISH.I.S.Service & Others
HIS Avanti&OasisHIS Avanti and Oasis
H&MH and MLadies fashion, men's fashion, kids fashion
HIGH STREETHigh streetMen's fashion
hakatamotunabe ooyamaHaka Tamotsu Nabe OyamaRestaurant & cafe
HABAHabaCosmetics and perfume
harutaHarutaShoes, bags, fashion miscellaneous goods, wallets and accessories
HAREHareMen's fashion
Hibiya Kadan StyleHibiyakadance tilesInterior, Service & Others
hair make BEHIVE AVEDAHair Makeup Behive AvedaCosmetics, Perfume, Beauty & Relaxation
Hokkaido Robata MenmeHokkaidourobatamenmeRestaurant & cafe
JUMP SHOPJump shopSundries and culture
JUNYA WATANABE MAN COMME des GARÇONS HOMME / COMME des GARÇONS POCETJunyawatanabemancom des Garçon Omcom des Garcon PocketLadies fashion, men's fashion, fashion miscellaneous goods
jyojyoennJojoenRestaurant & cafe
JILL by JILL STUARTZirbizilstuartLady's fashion
KAGAEKANPO boutiqueKagaekanpo boutiqueCosmetics and perfume
KastaneCastaneLady's fashion
KANEKO OPTICALKaneko OpticalFashion goods, wallets and accessories
Kamakura PasutaKamakura pastaRestaurant & cafe
KUA`AINAKUA`AINARestaurant & cafe
KURA CHIKA by PORTERKurachika By PorterBags, interiors, fashion miscellaneous goods, miscellaneous goods & culture
MARKS&WEBMarks and WebCosmetics, perfume, miscellaneous goods & culture
michael korsMichael KorsShoes, bags, fashion miscellaneous goods
moussyMausieLady's fashion
MOTHERHOUSEMother houseBag
MONEY DOCTOR PREMIERMoney doctor premierService & Others
MarimekkoMarimekkoLady's fashion
Marche de Bleuet plusMarched blue aprusLadies fashion, swimwear, yukata, kimono, shoes, bags, fashion miscellaneous goods, hats, wallets and accessories, jewelry & accessories, watches, miscellaneous goods & culture
Manhattan PortageManhattan PortageLadies fashion, men's fashion, bags, hats
MUCHAMisshaCosmetics, perfume, miscellaneous goods & culture
MOOMIN ARABIAMumin ArabiaSundries and culture
MURUAMuruaLady's fashion
Maison de FLEURMaisondo fruleFashion goods, jewelry & accessories, miscellaneous goods & culture
MAISON KAYSERMaison kaiserRestaurants & cafes, food
MONO+MonoplusInterior, miscellaneous goods & culture
nana's green teaNana's Green TeaRestaurant & cafe
NISHIKIYA KITCHENNishikiya KitchenFood
NEW ERANewelaLadies fashion, men's fashion, bags, hats, jewelry & accessories
New Osanakana Center IchinoniNewosakana Center IchinoniRestaurant & cafe
New BalanceNewbalanceShoe
Never mind the XUNevamind the X-YuLady's fashion
noakesNoxLadies fashion, bags, hats, wallets and accessories, miscellaneous goods & culture
nomutoko tabetoko chimachimasaketenNomtokotabedokochimachimasaketenRestaurant & cafe
paw's livingPowder ribingSundries and culture
PARCO SPACE6Parcospace SixService & Others
PARCO card counterParco card counterService & Others
pilates KPilateskeService & Others
price contactPrice contactService & Others
POKER FACEPoker FaceFashion miscellaneous goods
PORTER STANDPorter standBags, wallets and accessories
Paul SmithPaul SmithLadies fashion, men's fashion, suit dresses, underwear room wear, shoes, bags, fashion miscellaneous goods, hats, wallets and accessories, jewelry and accessories, watches
pokemon center tohokuPokemon Center TohokSundries and culture
Raffine plusRapineprusBeauty and relaxation
riendaRiendaLady's fashion
RyuRyuBags, wallets and accessories
Relaxation Salon RaffineRelaxation space laffineBeauty and relaxation
RAGEBLUEReiji BlueMen's fashion
RAYROLERei rollBeauty & Relaxation, Service & Others
ROAST BEEF & HUMBERG YOSHIMIRoast beef hamburger yoshimiRestaurants & cafes, food
ROYAL PARTYRoyal partyLady's fashion
ROJITARositaLady's fashion
SOCCER SHOP KAMO VEGALTA‐SENDAI GOODS SHOPSoccer Shop Camo Vegalta Sendai Goods ShopShoes, bags, miscellaneous goods & culture
SABONSabonCosmetics and perfume
SanrioSanrioSundries and culture
SWEETS PARADISESweets paradiseRestaurant & cafe
susihanaSushi HanaRestaurant & cafe
STAR JEWELRYStar jewelryShoes, jewelry & accessories, watches
STARBUCKS COFFEEStarbucks CoffeeRestaurant & cafe
Standard ProductsStandard products
SNIDELSnidelLady's fashion
SpiralGirlSpiral girlLady's fashion
SpRaySprayLady's fashion
SPORTS CARDS&CARD GAMES SHOP MINTSports card game shop mintSundries and culture
Smartphone Repair ShopSmartphone shuurikoboService & Others
SLYSchleyLady's fashion
SWAROVSKISWAROVSKIJewelry and accessories
seikatunokiSquirrelCosmetics, perfume, miscellaneous goods & culture
Seven Bank ATM7ginkoService & Others
Seven Bank ATM7ginkoService & Others
SEN RIKYUSenrikyuRestaurant & cafe
THE GUNDAM BASE SATELLITEGundam Base SatelliteSundries and culture
THE MOST COFFEEZamost coffeeRestaurant & cafe
The Little Brooklyn DAIKANYAMAThe Little Brooklyn Daikan YamaJewelry and accessories
THE GALLERY BOXThe gallery boxLadies fashion, men's fashion
THREEThreeCosmetics and perfume
Tavernetta SalvatoreTabernetta SalvatoreRestaurant & cafe
TULLY'S COFFEETully's CoffeeRestaurant & cafe
TOWER RECORDSTower RecordsSundries and culture
tutuannaChuchu AnnaUnderwear and roomware
tk.TAKEO KIKUCHITea K. Takeo KikuchiMen's fashion
tokyo sundubuTokyo UsundubRestaurant & cafe
TOHO CINEMASSquirrelService & Others
tohokustandardmaketTohok Standard MarketSundries and culture
TOMORROWLANDMallowlandLadies fashion, men's fashion
Top of the HillTop of the hillLadies fashion, men's fashion, fashion miscellaneous goods
TRANSITIONTransitionMen's fashion
VENDOME AOYAMAVendome AoyamaJewelry and accessories
Vivienne Westwood ManVivien WestwoodmanMen's fashion, shoes, bags, fashion miscellaneous goods, hats, wallets and accessories, watches
Vivienne Westwood REDLABELVivien Westwood Red LabelLadies fashion, shoes, bags, fashion miscellaneous goods, wallets and accessories, jewelry & accessories, watches