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  3. Bast care when sleeping in the night bra♬

Bast care when sleeping in the night bra♬

Braderis New York Sendai store.♡
Thank you very much for your continued use.♪

Do you have any bust care at night?
At night, horizontal flow is more likely to occur than during the day, so use a special brassier.
I recommend keeping it.✨

In our shop, we offer several types of night bras with different shapes and designs!
We also have Bracami type.
Recommended for those who are not good at stacking multiple layers (such as tsug)⊃

In addition, all night bras in the store can be used both during the day.♥
Perfect for those who find it troublesome to change clothes when wearing them at home.♬

We can also consult with you about the night bra that suits you.
I'll be waiting for you to visit us.✨
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