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The continental fair will be held.‼

Good morning!

This is the Ryu Sendai PARCO store (*’ω’*)

Thank you very much for visiting Ryu's blog.

Cous fan customer! Thank you very much for waiting!

For three days from November 8th (Fri) to 10th (Sun), the Ryu Sendai PARCO store will be open.

We will hold a "continental fair"!

This is an annual event that was very popular last year.

This time, in addition to the new bag, it has been very popular.
The couse items are lined up at once.
It is a big event (*'* `)

What is continental?…

It features a different line shade that depicts a different world view from Ryu.
In addition to Italian leather, it is made of animal leather called couse.
This product is produced in pursuit of classical weight.

In line with this continental fair
The color of couse "ice gray" is used.
A few new items will be available!

The opportunity for such couse items to be lined up in the store is that
The Ryu Sendai PARCO store has only this event once a year.

Not only those who like cousins, but also those who have never seen it yet.
It's a special three days that you can see.‼

Take the "texture x color" once by all means.
I would like you to experience it (*^^*)

Don't miss this opportunity! Please take a look at it!

Thank you very much for watching today as well.
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