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  3. Atsushi nylon quilt 908 blouson

Atsushi nylon quilt 908 blouson

Atsushi nylon quilt 908 blouson
Hall Super Gauze 908 Turtle
Once again 6.5 Sorabikobian

The two Sendai Parco stores will hold "Pokepal PAYBACK" from September 20th (Fri) to 23rd (Mon).
During the period, you will receive a Parco shopping ticket worth 500 yen for every 5,000 yen purchased by using Pokepal payment.

Staff height 159 centimeters
Wear size
Blouson 01-XS size
Knit 01-XS size
Denim 02-28 inches

45R Sendai PARCO 2 stores also accept store mail order.
Please feel free to contact us.

45R Sendai PARCO2
TEL: 022-224-8845
Shop Information
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