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The tree of life

【NEW】 Santo Paro's Fragrance Series

A fragrance series featuring incense [Santo Paro], which has been talked about in recent years, has finally been born!

In Life Trees, Paro Santo has been selling only wood sticks for some time, but this time we have expanded our lineup.
Wood sticks can be enjoyed in a way called "smossing", which is lit and smoked, but aroma items such as blended essential oils, room mist, and lead diffusers are also available as items that are easier to use on a daily basis. You can easily enjoy the sweet and smoky scent of Paro Santo without using fire.

〇 5 Paro Santo sticks ¥1,980
〇 Blend essential oils 10ml Various ¥2,420
(Santo Paro, Santo & Rose, Santo Paro, Santo & Lavender)
〇 Room mist 100ml ¥2,200
〇 Reed diffuser 100ml ¥2,970
〇 [Limited Quantity] Bath oil 30ml ¥3,080

※All prices include tax

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The tree of life