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  3. It's light on the skin ♪ Night bra that can be used during the day♡

It's light on the skin ♪ Night bra that can be used during the day♡

It's Braderis New York Sendai store!
Thank you very much for your continued use.♡

The sultry night continues, how are you all?
I want to spend my sleep comfortably even on a day when I can't sleep.✧

Introducing a night bra that is perfect for this season.♪

◎Friendly support bra
【Size】 S-3L
【Color】 Eclu, dark grayge, black
【Price】 ¥4,950 (tax included)

The fabric on the bust side is made of mesh fabric and is light on the skin!
Actually, there is a small hole in the internal organs cup, so overall.
The permeability is good to have a good specification.

It can be used during the day, so you can use it at home on holidays.
It is also useful when you spend your time slowly.♥

With a design covering the bust firmly, it is easy to prevent even glimpse of valleys.
Simple design is also recommended for people with sensitive skin.✨

In addition, we also have a large number of night bras (including night bras)
Let's try it and look for the perfect one.♡

I look forward to your visit to you.ʔ♪
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