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Tully's Coffee

Every Friday and Saturday Happy Beans Day♬

At Thales Coffee, Happy Beans Day is held every Friday and Saturday!
We have prepared a special point card with points for each purchase of 200g beans.
Normally, 2 points are purchased for 200g, but only for Happy Beans Day, 4 points are doubled.
If you accumulate 20 points, you can use it as a shopping ticket for 1000 yen.

What are the best beans in August?
"Tallies Anniversary Blend Medium & Full Bodies"
To commemorate our founding on August 7, we have prepared a special blend with gratitude to our customers.♬
[medium] with a smooth mouthfeel, a well-balanced taste of moderate body and mild acidity.
[Furubodiy] is characterized by a powerful richness and a smoky flavor finished by deep roasting.
Try this coffee with two different flavors.♬

Another recommended beans.
"Tally's Bladilfazendabaw"
Taste that harmonizes rich aroma, firm body and acidity in a well-balanced manner.
It is characterized by a savory finish and sweetness like nuts. Thales grew from seedlings at a partner farm in Brazil
Try some coffee beans.♬
We also have a coffee tasting on the day.
Be sure to go to Tally's Coffee on weekends!
Shop Information
Shop name
Tully's Coffee