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Extra Large/X Girl


♡X-girl × GREMLINS L/STEE(¥6,600)♡

Ron T prints the artwork of "Gremlin (GREMLINS)". ​
The front is printed with a picture of Billy and Gizmo. ​
On the back, there are pictures of Billy and Mogwai sleeping together on a bed, and three articles of keeping Mogwai with handwritten fonts.​
It has a playful design with the stripes that erase the NOT with mischievous stripes.​

♡X-girl × GREMLINS CREW SEWAT TOP(¥12,100)♡

A sweatshirt printed with the artwork of "Gremlin 2 (GREMLINS2)". ​
Design inspired by a band T-shirt.​
The large print of Gizumo and Gremlin on the front attract attention.​
On the back, a wide variety of Gremlins, which are also attractive to this work, are printed in a bromide-style design.

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Extra Large/X Girl