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Kitchen No.4 is being distributed!

Thank you for always using the NISHIKIYA KITCHEN Sendai Parco store!

The latest issue of the popular booklet "Kitchen" is being distributed free of charge at stores from September 1st!
I would like to introduce some of the things you care about.…

■Special Feature Autumn of NISHIKIYA KITCHEN style Honarara
Appetite, sports, reading. Autumn is a good season to enjoy your hobbies.
Introducing Nishiki Ya Kitchen style and how to enjoy autumn, such as "Nishiki Ya Kitchen Museum", "Foot in thought" and "Easy rice that matches Tokyo Branch Presents Curry"!

In addition, there are plenty of contents such as "Hiroshi and satsuki azalea", "Travel and Cooking", "Nishikiya Kitchen Curry Circle", "Fishing and Curry".
Please take it home! There is also a back number!

We look forward to your visit.

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▼In addition, at NISHIKIYA KITCHEN Sendai PARCO store, we have started Instagram.
We distribute information on new products and campaigns, eat-in menus, etc.

Thank you very much!
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