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The Little Brooklyn Daikan Yama

How about a coin case as a gift? ? (´ε` )

Good afternoon, everyone! (´∀`)

Before going to work recently, "I bought a drink in Staba to take sugar and then go out! I thought ('ω')no" and came to Staba (←) inside Parco.…During the checkout, the female clerk at the cash register noticed that my clothes were somehow green, so the mask was also the same color.

"Maybe you have the same color of your clothes and mask? ? It's cute ('ω`*) "

That's why he called out! !! !
I'm really happy! ?

That's what I noticed, and above all, I think that such a word is not easy to convey even if you are a customer.…Moreover, it is not an apparel type, but a cafe clerk (po-po)

That's why I tried to talk to convey the feeling of "I'm so happy that you can notice me!"…

"Oh! Oh, thank you.…!! !( ゚Д゚)」

That's right.
I'm afraid it's also a communicable here.…Pity←

I could only say that word anymore, but until the end, only the smile was penetrated and thanked.

Thank you to Staba clerk at that time, I'm sorry to bother you again (*'

That's why Yu-chan is currently in progress and heartwarming.…Today, I'm going to go to introduce the item immediately! !

It's not a coincidence. The story of Starbucks has become too long, so it's a book! ! !!←

See you…This time I'm here (~ @)

[Coin Case]
→¥8,250 (¥7,500 excluding tax)

Introducing leather accessories for a long time! !( ̄▽ ̄)
Oh, don't you? ? Why did you suddenly hit leather accessories?…And as you can see in the title, why do you suggest a gift?

That's because I checked this month's calendar.

Monday, 20th of this month…It's the day of respect for the elderly! !! !
It's treated as a holiday.

So I've been introducing various accessories such as Father's Day gifts so far.…Speaking of which, the coin case has been introduced only once in the past.…But recently, the number of customers looking for coin cases has increased, and I'm going to get a little bit here! ! Based on this idea, this time it is a coin case (*'

I'm going to get a detailed introduction right away…This child is an in-house product made on the cow side, and it is a compact design of about 7.5cm long x 10.5cm wide, so it is very easy to use when holding with a wallet + α!

And you may have noticed…A lid? Do you have to say that? ?
The part that hooks your finger when you open is not a straight line, but it's a bit like it.

The first time I saw this, "…? ? The form is cute, but is there any other intention to do this design? ? (Pop) ", I thought I could understand something if I used it anyway, and actually put in money and opened and closed it.

In conclusion, this is a very smart part! !! !('ω')

The reason is that the two-fold wallet of my company that I usually use is also a type that opens and closes with such buttons.…That's straight with a straight line.

Well, it's been a year since I started using that wallet.…After all, it's the most overworked part, so the leather burden is greater than the others.

Of course, it will last longer if you usually dry it, oil it or maintain it, but it is undeniable that the longer you use it, the more you use it, the greater the burden.

Moreover, the straight line part stretches quickly by hooking your finger many times, and there are times when I think, "Oh, the change is cool, but I'm sorry I'm sorry (._)" But…Yes, go back to the story! !

I realized that the design was similar to this way, and that the central part that would be hooked and opened and closed with the first finger is hollow than the side, so that the design was less burdensome than the straight child. ! ! !! !!

Or, it's easy to open and close purely without having to think about the burden! ! !What's the difference? !

In this way, the design itself is hard to wear around it and is easy to use.…Of course, Superman who can pay without stress because it will open inside, be sure to check it out! ! !! (*´з`)

Well, thank you very much for the end of today.…!
Please look forward to it next time.☆

[Today's tweet: Yu-chan is taking a long time to sleep as the temperature in the morning and evening begins to drop little by little, and the cold wind in the middle of the night gets too excited to enter the room.…As usual, it's too hot.

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(The staff introduces items and accessories are being updated from time to time.…! Be sure to check it out! !! ('ω') No)
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The Little Brooklyn Daikan Yama