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The Little Brooklyn Daikan Yama

The second SV ring (' ▽ `) received only one item

Hello everyone~ (```*)

Just the other day, I learned that a collaboration goods sale of a famous clothes shop and my favorite bands was decided, and immediately went to the site to check the visuals, and as a result, Yu-chan dropped himself too much throat type.←

Although it is a collaboration with a clothes shop, it seems that there are also accessories such as bags.…My recommendation's collaboration goods were really nice hats.…Gufufufufu.

There seems to be a store that sells it in Sendai, so I don't know if I'm going to go on the day or shopping online, but please watch me if I've decided to get it even if I'm going to end my life (I'm sorry)

I don't like it! !! ? ?
In addition to fashion goods, they also sell can badges! !? ?
I can't help but buy it! !! This is my mission! !! ('ω')

…Well, let's leave a runaway talk like this…Don't you think it will be? ? ? ?←
It's going to last a little more today, isn't it?

That's because I thought about the visuals of each character with the collaboration goods decision I talked about earlier.…Oh, it's hard to tell if you don't talk about the assumptions first.

I like it for a long time. I love it! A total of 5 sets (5 people each) are crazy about the band (it's also an anime character, there are games, and actual voice actors are performing live) Are you there? ? ? ?

This collaboration has been selected one by one from each band! ! !!

I love all of them because I'm a box, but among them, there was the best band.…The collaboration goods of that member were hats, so I definitely got it, but here I finally came to the main subject.
Do you have any questions? ? ? ? ?)

Visuals of members selected from the most recommended bands…In other words, the clothes you're calling are.…Oh, it's a nice, my donpisha is a savory fashion! !! !! !! !
I have a nosebleed! !! !! (noisy)

I would like to explain in detail, but in my vocabulary, it seems like puncture in your head, so I will tell you briefly.…I'm sure you're wearing a black long coat.…Moreover, turtleneck…Oh, oh, oh, oh, a a (self-regulation)

That's right, a man wearing a long coat has the nature of chasing with eyes. Here is the pervert.←

Of course, it's cool that women wear, and I like to wear it myself.…What is it? ? ? When a man wears it, it feels different again. (Normal)

Oh, I personally like black long coats.…The term I don't know, but the length around my knee is a bit unsatisfactory.…As I say many times, it's a personal opinion ('ω')

The length around the ankle is very good from the middle of the calf. In other words, what I want to say is that I love the feeling of being dressed.←
(Is there anyone who sympathizes with me?

Oh, it's time for summer to come to an end and get closer to autumn and winter, the more my age will come.…(?)

Everyone, please go out with a long length.…Care for the eyes…Don't call me because I'll ask you.…(゚∀゚)

( ̄▽ ̄)

Waiting and it was dangerous now, I had to imagine too much and I could not return from that world.

…Yeah. I've been exposed to my uglyness, so I'm honoured from here!
I'm going to introduce the item! !! You can see it ('ω')

[SV925 Ring]

(First photo)
[Right in front]
→¥37,400 (¥34,000 excluding tax)
[Left in front]
→¥11,000 (¥10,000 excluding tax)

(4th photo)
→¥16,500 (¥15,000 excluding tax)

Look! !This exquisite form! !!
I say the goodness of SV many times, but I think it's a unique sense of gravity.

Also, unlike materials such as stainless steel, there is a work to take care of it!

At first glance, when they say, "I need care-('ω')no", they say, "Yeah, it may be a bit troublesome in personality.…? It's also true that some people think.
I don't like that type, too.

But I knew little by little about various things about accessories and wallets (leathers).…I learned that "care" would take care of the child and become more attached to it, I would like to (6)

After all, I take care of the gifts, of course, but I want to use it for a long time because I bought it with the money I worked hard on myself and saved, right? ? ?

At such times, this SV material is the perfect thing! !

Actually, I also have a ring of SV925, but I like the space when I just brush it up.…After that, if you want to wear it in a shiny state, polish it, and if you want to wear it with a little dullness ('ω') No, you can wear it without much polishing it, it looks like you like I think it's a real pleasure to be able to choose it because it looks like it ( @)

Such a wonderful SV ring…As you can see in the title, yes. This time, only one item is in stock, so it's an early win! ! !!
(I took all the photos to wear together with the chain ring.…How about it? ? ?)

Well, thank you very much for the end of today.…!
Please look forward to it next time.☆

[Today's tweet: I recently attached my own recommended keychain to my bag, but I'm ashamed of the sober sounding every time I walked with the keychain I originally attached.…But I don't stop (I don't stop)

[Instagram URL is here ↓]
(New work / re-loading information and introduction of items by staff are being updated as needed.…! By all means (*'`)
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The Little Brooklyn Daikan Yama