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The Little Brooklyn Daikan Yama

Pop-up store is being held…! \( ´ω` )/

Hello~~~~~ ω`)

A lot of new anime will start broadcasting this month, and limited-time events will be held again in Kataya smartphone games.…I'm sorry.
Yu-chan is held and busy without permission (Shirome)

At the beginning of the new anime, some people decided in advance, "I will definitely watch this!", But others always make a reservation for Pochi Pochi recording while looking at the TV program table and official website.

So, when the broadcast time of the anime you want to watch is covered, U-NEXT is also making full use of it to watch both as much as possible.…It's too much (~~~) happy scream
I will continue to enjoy my life as a tak, and you may have a hard day, but I can rest when I can relax.…!!

…That's right! !! !(Loud)
Today, this blog is also called a breathtaking day, and I will not introduce items! ! !!
Abandoned work! !! !←

No, ('ω')

No, but it's true not to introduce items…!!
The announcement was a little late, but today we are going to guide you about the pop-up store that is also in the title! ! (゚∀゚)

*July 1 (Thursday) - July 14 (Wednesday)
*Near the escalator on the 1st floor of the main building of Sendai Parco
It's opposite Mr. Ryu.…!!)

That's right.…It's already started, so maybe some of the people who read this blog say, "Oh, I've seen it before!"
I'm really sorry for the late announcement (Doshitaza)

In this pop-up store, we handle products such as accessories and leather accessories, as well as sandals, but in fact, we also handle a lot of items that can not be seen in Little Brooklyn on the 7th floor, so I think you can enjoy a completely different atmosphere each one ( @)

By the way, I also visited the pop-up several times.…At the same time as the atmosphere is really different, the most surprising thing was this machine used for accounting etc. !
(I've put it on the fifth photo!)

When I saw it for the first time, "Eh! ? How do you use it? ? It's not too many buttons! The guy who panicked (laughs)
But it's so retro and cute.…I want to push it like a typewriter (~ @) waste.

Also, basically the staff of this Sendai store are currently organized by five people.…With the pop-up store being held this time, two managers of Little Brooklyn are also coming to Sendai! ! !
(I talked a little bit about the manager in my previous blog.…Is there anyone who reads it? (*´з`))

Both are women, but they are both very enjoyable to talk and at the same time, they will feel free to consult with you about access and give you very accurate opinions.…Please come and see me.…!! !!

Already…Just because the timing of the announcement was too late, it was only about a week before the pop-up store ended, but all the staff of Little Brooklyn Sendai store, including the manager, are operating well! !That's why! !! That's why! !! (Yamabiko)

If you come near you, I would be glad if you could come and visit us, let's talk (*'

Oh~! !
Thank you very much for your continued support.…!
Please look forward to it next time.☆

[Today's tweet: Someone drank flapeccino in 47 prefectures in Stava…? I would like to hear your comments (~~~)

[Instagram URL is here ↓]
(The staff is constantly updating new information, etc.…! We also hold events on an irregular basis, so if you are worried about it, try Pochi at the URL above (*'(`)).
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The Little Brooklyn Daikan Yama
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