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Adawat'n Tuareg

Hello everyone.
Thank you for visiting the blog of Tomorrowland Sendai Parco store.
Today, I would like to introduce some accessories that can be matched with spring and summer styling.

<Adawat'n Tuareg (adawattuntualeg)>
This is a nomadic tribe who lives in Sahara, Africa.
There is a theory that people who started silver work for the first time in Africa, and in Western Europe it is recognized as a native jewelry that is two-tiered with Indian juerie.

Bangle : ADAWAT’N TUAREG/65-14-01-14511/¥47,300(in tax)
Ring : ADAWAT’N TUAREG/65-14-01-14512/¥19,800(in tax)

Bangle : ADAWAT’N TUAREG/65-14-01-14505/¥19,800(in tax)
Ring : ADAWAT’N TUAREG/65-14-01-14503/¥9,900(in tax)

Silver bangles and rings with hand-carved traditional patterns of the Tuaregue.
The tasteful atmosphere unique to handmade is attractive.
<TOMORROWLAND> custom-made model with exquisite color Coral like orange to pink.

Bangle : ADAWAT’N TUAREG/65-14-01-14508/¥64,900(in tax)

How was it?
We also have a lot of other wonderful products.
We look forward to your visit and inquiries.

Tomorrowland Sendai Parco Store Sasaki


Tomorrowland is holding a "Members Card New Membership Campaign".
During the period, customers who have joined new members will receive a 1,000 yen point worth.

The following steps are required to grant points.
Step 1: Join new members
STEP2: Purchases of ¥5,000 or more at the target stores
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Customers who meet the above conditions will receive points automatically after the campaign period.
※You can also join from the website.

Period 4/8 (Thu) to 5/5 (Wed)

It's a great opportunity.
Please take advantage of this opportunity.

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