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An item that will be released soon!


Good evening!

This time, I would like to introduce the items that will be released next week.♪

▼Melangibis checking nit
color: Beige, light green
size: Free

▼Front button pencil skirt
color: Ivory, black, light green
size: S、M

Although it is still cold outside, spring colors are available little by little at the store.♪

Even in spring colors, such as knits and suede bottoms, you can wear it right now, so let's get ahead of the spring in color and enjoy the fashionable together.♪

Currently, the store has 2buy10% OFF and 3buy20% OFF!
The sale is also off, and all the new items that have just arrived are off, so it's a great deal.☆

We look forward to seeing you at this great opportunity!

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