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A woman in the race♡

Hello everyone!
Mr. Sato is in charge of today.

I went to nail the other day when I was absent.
I was shown Nimmo during the treatment.♪
Nostalgia with Neylist
I couldn't help but get excited.

Today it was popular last year and sold out immediately.
I would like to introduce you to the Japanese restaurant.

♡Color blocking lace dress
size: 0,1
price: 17,000+tax

It makes your skin look beautiful.
This is a nuance color lace dress.
The blocking design gives a sense of class.
This item is unique to SNIDEL.

It's so nice.
I'd like to see it at the store.♡

Please visit us today as well.
I'm looking forward to it!

→→ Sendai PARCO ←←
SNIDEL Sendai Parco Store
Business hours 10:00 to 21:00
Phone number 022-774-8326


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