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♡A popular vote was held♡

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Good evening!
It is Furisode MODE Sendai Parco store!
It was also a very hot day today (*_*;

Today, we will announce the results of the popular kimono voting, which was held until May 31! ! !
In fact, Shirokuma in front of the shop had a popular vote board!
Did you notice it? ?
We will also hold it next time, so please vote when you pass by everyone.♪♫

Well, I would like to announce the results, sir!

1st place retro kimono!
   I received 21 votes!
   It is a popular kimono for a girl with a unique personality!
2nd classic kimono!
   I received 16 votes!
   It's a good old kimono pattern! (^^)
   Until mid-May, the classic pattern kimono kept the first place!
3rd place cool kimono!
   I received 9 votes!
   As the name suggests, it's cool, cool kimono!
   It is a furisode that looks gorgeous and elegant (^^)

4th place cute kimono!
   Unfortunately, it was ranked 4th.
   The cute furisode is cute anyway!
   Because it uses pastel and pink colors.
   It's a pretty and gorgeous kimono.☆

Thank you for your many votes!
It's the next time!
The next popular vote will be a vote in the color of the kimono!
I will update it again when it is held.☆

We have a lot of retro kimonos that ranked first to cute kimonos, so we have a lot of them.
Please stop by Furisode MODE when you stop by Sendai Parco (^^)♪

Reservations can be made by visiting the store, web or by phone!
℡ 022-226-8146
↓Furisode MODE Sendai PARCO Store website↓

We look forward to your visit.♡

゚・。+ ☆+。・゚・。+ ☆+。・゚・。+ ☆+。・゚・。+ ☆+。・゚・。+ ☆+。・゚・。+ ☆+。・゚・。+ ☆+。・゚
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