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Received Best Cosmetics in the second half of 2018 [Nail Division]

Each product of THREE won the award in many media.
Thank you for your patronage, and I would like to introduce some of them.

[THREE nail polish]
7mL total 24 colors Main body 1,800 yen + tax

"As the particles of light melt. Art of Partys lit on your fingertips."

A holiday nail polish that blends a glittering accent on your fingertips so that everyday life and parties can be connected at a secret entrance.
The delicate pearl that melts in the color condenses as many stars as the number of stars, creating a metallic cool shine that balances mysterious silence and strong presence.
The creative art scene emerges in the light that repeats assertions and fusions.

-Best cosmetics in the second half of 2018 -
Nail Division
-No. 1 (80) -

-The best cosmetics chosen by the aesthetic wise
Nail Division
-2nd place (70)-

-Best cosmetics in the second half of 2018 -
Nail Division
-No. 3 (83) -

-VOCE First Half of 2018 Best Cosmetics
Nail Division
-No. 1 (72) -

Thank you very much for your continued patronage of the award.
Please take this opportunity to stop by the THREE counter.

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