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hair make BEHIVE AVEDA

Aic Rihm dedicated to the eyes of AVEDA!


hairmakeBEHIVE AVEDA on the 3rd floor.

Did you know that AVEDA has a dedicated Aic Rihm around the eyes?

Actually, the skin around the eyes is thinner than others, so you can't care with face skin care! So, what you need is Aic Rihm!
There are two types of AVEDA, the green color is Aic Rihm, a botanical series, which moisturizes and gives transparency! Makes dull and eye bear thin!
The white cream becomes a series of aging care, giving freshness and smoothness around the eyes, making the wrinkles caused by drying less noticeable!
Why don't you take a more firm care this winter? ^_^
You can try it at the store! Please come by all means!
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hair make BEHIVE AVEDA