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hair make BEHIVE AVEDA

Moisturize during the dry season!



hairmakeBEHIVE AVEDA on the 3rd floor.

As soon as I thought it was autumn, the temperature was like winter.
The cold season is dry season.
Are you taking measures against drying?

Today, from the botanical series of AVEDA Skin Care, I would like to introduce a face cream that fills with moisture that can withstand drying!
It's "Intense Hydrate Rating Cream"!
Soft! Rich! There are two types, and Rich can make your skin more moist!
Even if you put it on at night and wake up in the morning, the perfect feeling when you put it on is the same!
I'd like you to try it!
The other is the botanical series "Refleshing Aic Rihm"! Just putting it on your eyes a little, it covers dullness and leads you to a transparent state!
If you are worried about it, please check it out!
Of course, it is a natural ingredient!
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hair make BEHIVE AVEDA