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  3. We are re-packing the popular new material series!

We are re-packing the popular new material series!

Good morning!

This is the Ryu Sendai PARCO store (*’ω’*)

Thank you very much for visiting Ryu's blog.

In today's blog
Sales began in September last year and sold out in a blink of an eye upon arrival.
The product made from the new material, Margo, is now in stock.
I'll show you!

There are two colors available, gray and green!

Pale gray and deep green, respectively
Can't be served in regular colors
It has an excellent color (*'* `)

The ageing changes that can be seen through use are also available.
It changes to an exquisite color that is hard to say both brown and black.
If the color after the change is nice, it will be fun to use it every day.♪

It is also easy to get out of age relatively quickly.
It's a good point.◎

Margoe has a relatively hard and crisp leather.
Because it's sturdy and solid
The silhouette of the product is clear.
This is one of the characteristics of Margo ('ω')

An item that uses such a margo
More than one has been restocked!

If you are worried, please check it at the store once (^^)

Thank you very much for watching today as well.
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