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quatre saisons

I received a baby item with Liberty pattern.♬

Good morning. It's Cattle Saison Sendai.☺

"Childcare Studio" is a brand of Made in Japan produced at domestic factories.
Light and pleasant to the touch. We are delivering wear that makes your baby happy.
It was very popular last time, but this time we also made a custom-made pattern using Liberty fabric selected by Cattle Saison for the products of the childcare workshop.
Recommended as a special gift for loved ones.
・Liberty Mesh Stai tax included price ¥2,420
・Liberty Rattle tax included price ¥1980
・Liberty clip tax included price ¥1210
・Liberty Rattle Socks Gift Tax Price ¥3850

We look forward to your visit today as well (^_-)-☆
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quatre saisons