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The charm of the wild flower

Two charms appear from the aging flower series "Eve-Charm", which increases beauty with each time.
The motif is a nostalgic plant that came close to me when I was little.

A lot of small flowers gather and look like a single round flower.
White squirrel is a Chinese character. In the Edo period, when glass products were transported by ship from the Netherlands, the name was derived from the fact that dried white clams were packed as cushioning materials.

The dandelion, which is a familiar flower like white clover, is also completed.
The flowers are finished in a fringe style that retains the roughness of wildflowers, and the appearance of the dandelion is realistically expressed.
Make use of buds, flowers and fluff to the back of leather for expressiveness. The slime leather is cut finely, then wet with water, and it is shaped tightly to express the movement of the petals.
When the leather drys, it looks like a dandelion blows in the wind.
Each one has its own personality for handmade, and please enjoy the encounter.

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