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Mumin Arabia

Hello! Mumin Arabia.♡

Thank you for always using the Mumin Arabia Sendai PARCO store!

This time, I would like to introduce a pitcher with a lid that is very popular in our shop.✨
There are two types of pitchers with cute pointed roof lids: Mumin House and Bus House.

Mumin House is a three-story blue house built by Mumin Daddy.
Not only the rooms of Mumin, Mumin Dad and Mumin Mama, but also the rooms of friends are drawn!
Can be used cutely with Mumin House Mug♡

The bus house built by Mumin Daddy is a cylindrical building like Mumin House.
It has a fashionable design depicting the back of Tooticki, which cleans the window glass, Mumin wearing a bathrobe, and Little Mii sitting on the stairs leading to the sea!

Not only can you enjoy tea time lively and fun with Mumins, but you can also decorate and enjoy it as an interior.✨
How about Mumin miscellaneous goods with stylish design in your everyday life?

We look forward to your visit.

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Mumin Arabia