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Good luck day that concludes 2024‼

Good morning!

This is the Ryu Sendai PARCO store (*’ω’*)

Thank you very much for visiting Ryu's blog.

Today, December 26th is "Tenkyo Day" and "10,000 times Day".
It's lucky day where two good luck overlap!

It's a good luck day that I've often introduced in previous blogs.
It's a perfect day to buy a new wallet (≧ ▽ ≤)

"Ten forgiveness" means that all Gods rise to heaven.
It is the day when heaven is said to forgive sins of all things.
That all obstacles have been removed and hesitant until now.
It's the best day for you to start something new!

"100,000 times the day" is made from one seed fir to one rice.
It means that Manbai rice can be harvested from this rice.
It is said that a few things will increase dramatically, and what we started on this day.
It is said that it will eventually produce great results!

It is a good luck day that many people choose to open a wedding or business.
"Money" is also a good thing.
It's a perfect day to buy a new wallet.‼◎

At the Ryu Sendai PARCO store, we will match today's good luck day.
Many wallets and accessories with a color that are not usually lined up in stores
We look forward to seeing you!

On the last good luck day that concludes 2024
A favorite leather item at Ryu's shop
Why don't you choose it? (*'* `)

We look forward to your visit.

Thank you very much for watching today as well.
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